Commercial HighwayRetail Property
$ 8,900,000.00
$ 8,900,000.00
1660 Middle Tennessee Blvd, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130
- City, State: Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130
- Type: For Sale
- Status: For Sale
- Download: CLICK-HERE-for-1660-and-1664-MTB_Sale.pdf
1660 & 1664 Middle Tennessee Boulevard. is a total of 72,742 sf that is divided into multiple suites and includes two lots totaling 2.52ac. This building is for sale and conveniently located on Middle Tennessee Boulevard just minutes from Middle Tennessee State University. Currently zoned Commercial Highway.
This property has easy access to I-24, U.S.-70S, U.S.-41 and Hwy 99.